There’s tons of Pepe the Frog merchandise on Taobao. I stumbled across a listing for a Pepe-themed tissue dispenser, showed it to my wife, and she lobbed back a link to search results for products making use of his likeness. Below are a couple of rows from the first page of results for “Sad Frog” (Simplified Chinese: 悲伤青蛙):
I only became aware of Matt Furie’s Boy’s Club comic once the reuse of Pepe by elements of what’s currently referred to as the Alt-Right was already in full swing, so I’m insufficiently knowledgeable about Pepe to put these products in any kind of context. The sleep masks make a sort of sense given that Pepe’s eyes are clearly his most visually-distinctive feature, but the tp dispensers are, frankly, a bit of a head-scratcher for me.