My master misses me!

HerpDerp The Diary of Lupin Pooter

I recently restocked my assortment of medium-to-large ziploc bags after finally using up the last of the previous batch, which were extra-heavy-thick but tended to crack (ah-yup, literally crack and split) over time when folded or bent slightly. This time, I went with a different Mainland manufacturer and just extra-thick rather than extra-hevy-super-duper-thick. They’re thinner than I’d expected but the cracking is hopefully a thing of the past.

The bags, a hundred in a bag, came sealed in slightly larger ziplocs, each bearing the same logo as the white, stitched-shut woven-polypropylene sack in which the order had been dispatched (shown below) .

Interesting logo on packaging for an order of clear ziploc bags in a range of sizes.
Interesting logo on packaging for an order of clear ziploc bags in a range of sizes.

Here’s a line-by-line translation of the Simplified Chinese:

TOP: 我的主人想我了 > My master misses me

MIDDLE: 能把我尽快的送到主人手上吗 > Can you send me to the owner as soon as possible

BOTTOM: 小心轻放,辛苦你了! 快递小哥 > Handle with care, thanks for your hard work! courier brother