The Intermission is Over. We’re back

We really own and use a heck of a lot of binder clips. That’s one of my biggest takeaways from the packing phase of our current, still-ongoing relocation.
Also, I probably ought to use wingnuts as much as feasible for cobbling stuff together if there’s even a tiny chance that I’ll have to disassemble my Merzbau-style fabrications at a later date. And it would be wise to stick to a single size and drive type for fasteners within each project, to the degree that it’s practical, in the interest of reducing the number of times I’ll have to switch between tools to take something apart in the future and it would also cut the number of different tools I’ll have to take out and then put away afterwards.

Having to sort through all of our stuff has entailed a time-compressed speed-run through the process of picking up everything secured with a non-silicone elastic band more than a couple of years earlier only to find the rubber band material discolored, shrunken, and either gloopy or crumbly (or already crumbled).
Remember to use silicone rubber bands if possible, for purposes other than, e.g., bundling refuse cardboard before putting it out for trash/recycling pickup.
Here’s another Merzbau link with more photos of the original Merzbau in Hanover, Germany: Kurt Schwitters: Reconstructions of the Merzbau .