Kester flux pens are fluxing fantastic!

Personal Firsts Sodding soldering The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Late last month, after needing to re-do a substandard bit of my own soldering work and finding it quite a challenge to get the solder to melt and flow, I did a of reading and concluded that I ought to try another solder alloy from a different manufacturer and that de-soldering might be a heck […]

Photos: WS2812 LED ring, soldering, desoldering

Mucking About With Things Sodding soldering The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Last week, I wanted to test-drive one of the 24-LED WS2812 5050 RGB LED rings I’d bought a ways back. Getting it working, controlled by an Arduino board running the Adafruit NeoPixel library, was easy peasy. Except for the soldering step. For reasons that weren’t apparent to me while I was wielding my soldering iron, […]

First-ever soldering experience! Why did I wait so long?

Mucking About With Things Personal Firsts Sodding soldering